Sunday, November 20, 2005

RePlace: Goodbye Batteries

Dematerialization embraces the reduction of everything, especially the integration of devices. A previous post on solar power (see make the sun your b*tch) talks about devices that are powered by the sun.
What about batteries? I'm not going to bore you with statistics on how many batteries end up in landfills (a lot) what batteries are made of (acid and other crap) and who is better, Energizer or Duracell (who cares?)

I will however provide a list of devices that said, "hey Mr. Battery, you toxic piece of sh*t, why don't you f*ck off?"

I'm sure there are more. But the whole point isn't for me to be endorsing certain products, just certain categories of products. Get off your ass and do some googling...

Batteries: 0
Non-Batteries: 1


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Steven said...

I can only imagine the marketing conundrum facing the EZPower Universal Remote... It so nicely appeals to the two things Americans hate the most:

1. caring about the environment
2. having to move any muscles... ever.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Steven said...

That said... I think I may get one ;-) just to support the company


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