Thursday, November 17, 2005

ReThink: Dematerialization and Consumerism

At the root of dematerialization is consumerism. If I wasn't a devoted consumer in the first place, I wouldn't be in this position of getting rid of stuff (much of which I never needed in the first place).

I remember being younger, spending days shopping. I felt compelled to buy something, often for the sake of buying. Then one day, I reconsidered my impact. It wasn't instant, and it's a process at the very least, but it doesn't have to be all at once, just get into doing it and it will come as second nature

The impact on consumerism is ... well, I don't think that a word exists in the English dictionary to explain how big it is. It's enormous and it's connected to everything, world trade, the environment, labor, media, culture, fashion, the economy. I'm not qualified to write about most of these things but if you're wondering, what's the point of dematerialization, here are some simple thoughts.

  • By buying less you're not buying into the idea of consumption, that's where companies have convinced you that you're not 'the right kind of person' unless you own certain things
  • By careful consideration prior to making purchases you can ensure to support companies that include ethical considerations in their products, including fair wages, environmental concerns, or products that are made to last where the companies stand by and offer excellent customer service, support and warranties.
  • By ignoring silly celebrity fashion trends you assert your individualism and show that you don't have to look like everyone else, to look good
  • By overriding a reliance on buying things to make yourself feel better, you free up time for more productive endeavors (yes surfing the Internet is productive)
  • Refusing to patronize companies that are blatant users of slave labor, you are refusing to support their unfair practices
  • By being informed, you have the ability to inform others, and at the very least present an alternate point of view. Even if they disagree with you, if you live it and don't just preach it, you can change their minds
  • Some people will argue, the earth is screwed regardless of what we do. That may be true, but if enough of us set an example maybe we can make a difference.


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