ReThink: It's been a while
Before this blog gets too off topic with me making excuses as to why I haven't been blogging, I will just admit that there really isn't one. I've had tons on my mind, and since I stopped acquiring stuff I don't need, dematerializing hasn't been as much of an issue.
What I forgot however is that dematerialization isn't just ridding your life of material items but also about simplifying your life and adding good and new things to it. I found it hard to write about this kind of dematerialization because I wasn't doing it myself. I needed to practice before I could preach.
We're all busy, being busy is my excuse for everything. Funny how I find time to do stuff I shouldn't do, but never what I should. Here are ten things, (small things) that you should (if you don't already) do.
1. Drink 1 bottle of water a day (refill a bottle) water does make a difference, it clears your skin and keeps you going
2. Find five minutes a day to learn about something new on wikipedia
3. Find something to make yourself laugh
4. Think one positive (even if silly) thought each day
5. Eat a fruit
6. Keep your karmic nose clean, do onto others... bad things that you do WILL come back to haunt you three times worse.
7. Say something nice about somebody behind their back
8. Get a plant, they help you breathe better and provide excellent company
9. Try to notice one really cool detail or amazing thing every day
10. Tell someone important to you that they make you happy and that you're fortunate to have them in your life.
Okay kind of cheesy but the little things are what matter most.
More actual dematerialization to follow - I promise
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