ReThink: Air Purifiers
Ok, I know it's been a while, better late than never right? I have no excuse except for maybe I just didn't have anything new to bring to the table for over a month. (It's been over a month!)
I'm in the process of moving to NYC and I have been dematerializing like it's going out of style. I guess the new challenge now is rematerializing but remembering the dematerialize key concepts.
Enough rambling, onto today's topic.
I live with pets, I live in the city, I live in an apartment. Sometimes I come home and it smells, the air is stale.
Obviously commercial air freshners are out of the question. Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals.
- Salt crystal lamps are chunks of rock mined from the base of the Himalayan mountains. If you've ever swam in the ocean or breathed in the air after a thunderstorm, that's what you get.
For more info check out or or Google "Salt lamps". Ebay tends to have the best prices. - We all know that Plants give us oxygen but buy them for environmentally friendly air purifiers as well
This is a list of plants gleaned from various web sites that have air purifying properties: Bamboo palm, Spider plant; flowering Mums; Peace lily plant and Mother-in-laws-tongue, aloe vera, dracaena plants, philodendrons, golden pothos, scheffleras (there are more) - Some sites that give more details on the benefits of purifying plants: (guidelines on how many plants for a room size)
vegetarian times (what plants remove what chemicals/odors)
Or pick up the 'bible' How To Grow Fresh Air: 50 Houseplants that Purify Your Home or Office by B.C. Wolverton, Ph.d., (Penguin Books, 1996)
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