Dematerialization: Step 2
So you've decided to dematerialize, say goodbye to the clutter in your life. Be prepared there is more than one way to dematerialize.
You'll need:
- Some time (a day?)
- A room to dematerialize (the 3-step process is repeated for each room)
- The room to dematerialize must be clean (it's easier to find stuff)
- A friend who doesn't bullshit you (or a critical mother)
- Three boxes
Step 1: Label the 3 Boxes
Box A is Goodbye and includes items for Sale, Donation or Garbage but is essentially comprised of stuff you no longer want.
Box B is Maybe and includes stuff that you are not sure you want, but can't get rid of right away
Box C is Repair and includes stuff that needs to be fixed, cleaned or redone.
Step 2: Go through the room, in every nook cranny and drawer and start putting items in their appropriate boxes. Use your critical friend as a fresh eye on what should go or stay.
Some guidelines for Goodbye:
- Clothing unworn for two years
- Clothing that doesn't fit but might if you lose some weight (if you lose the weight you'll want new clothes)
- Anything with tags that hasn't been used within a year of purchase
- Abandoned musical instruments
- Books that won't be read or reread
- Tacky home decor that serves no legitimate purpose
- Kitchen appliances that haven't been used in over a year (Sorry George Foreman grill)
- Toys that are no longer played with (except the ones with sentimental value)
- Unused old technology
- Unwanted gifts
Listen to your friend: They will be objective where you can't.
Guidelines for Maybe: The Maybe pile is stuff that you don't use but that you can't part with just yet. This is normal and is part of the process of removing reliance on material possessions. Hide your completed Maybe box after finishing the room. Look at its contents again in 6 months and reconsider what should go. You'll be surprised at what you discover.
Guidelines for Fix: Fix it only if you intend on using it afterwards. Otherwise it should go in goodbye.
Step 3: Sorting Goodbye
Remember: Goodbye doesn't mean the trash.
Goodbye should be split into 3 piles
- Sell (or if you don't want to sell at all, then skip and focus on #2)
- Donate/Give Away
- Throw away (Aim to put as little as possible in this pile)
Guidelines for Sell:
In following posts I will cover how you can make the most money from your stuff (or at least some money). Preview: I sell my stuff to earn some money to fulfill a pre-defined goal.
Guidelines for Donate:
If you don't want to sell then please donate. This too will be covered in a future post. Some quick tips: An organization exists that will gladly take your stuff even if you think no one wants it. This ranges from old computers to used women's suits that help needy women get a leg up on job interviews. You can also donate certain items to willing friends. Finally, just because something is broken doesn't mean that certain organizations and people can't/won't be able to repair it.
Guidelines for Trash:
Please recycle your recyclables and make sure that waste is disposed of appropriately. More on this in a future post. In the meantime, if in doubt, check your city's government pages for guidelines on safe waste disposal.
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