Thursday, April 28, 2005

ReView: Tokyo Flash

ReView: Alternatime telling

I have to admit I missed a day, which may happen along the way because I'm currently in exam mode.

There are two types of watches: digital and analogue: and now there are three types of watches.
Tokyo Flash (Straight out of Japan) makes unique timepieces to die for.

Don't pass around the word too much or everyone will be wearing them.

Regular Watches: 0
Tokyo Flash: 1

Monday, April 25, 2005

ReUse: Give and Get Free

FREE: Great word in so many ways

  • While I realize that this site is supposed to be about getting rid of stuff, I recognize we can't live stuffless.
  • Actually I'm encouraging being efficient and thoughtful about what you buy, stuff for the sake of serving a purpose and not just being a packrat
  • Sometimes you need to give stuff away and sometimes you need stuff too: Buying new is a drag especially since used stuff that is still usable often ends up in landfills:
Solution: Freecycle where you can give and get for free: Craigslist also has a great free section (pick the correct city) and I've seen people give away great stuff!

Remember the secret is to ONLY TAKE WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED even if what you see is the coolest thing you must own.

Stores: 0
Free Stuff Online: 1

Sunday, April 24, 2005

ReFresh: Self-Improvement List Style

ReFresh: 200 Ways to Improve Yourself

  • I love lists.
  • I think the best way to improve oneself is via simple steps that can be realistically integrated in everyday life.
  • No one wants to have to re-invent themselves with those ridiculous books.
  • I found this list that has 200 really helpful tips courtesy of Robin Sharma
  • I don't know who Robin Sharma is, maybe it's a cult, nonetheless the advice is sound and if out of 200 suggests you find 1 that works for you, we'll all consider it a successful day.

Expensive Self-Help Books: 0
Free-Internet Self-Help: 1

Saturday, April 23, 2005

RePlace: Kill Your Coffee Maker

RePlace: Your Coffee Maker with Jolt Gum

Not to be the poster child for Jolt Gum but I am. I love it.

  • 12 Pieces in one pack (2 Pieces = 1 cup of coffee) I only need one
  • No excessive coffee pooping
  • Can have it throughout the day as necessary
  • No need to buy coffee every day (Save $$)
  • Portable energy
  • Totally effective: I know I've been using it for a while to stay awake in Law School

Coffeemaker: 0
Jolt Gum: 1

Friday, April 22, 2005

Happy Earth Day

Tech junk is winding up in landfills: Sophisticated disposal methods and resources are emerging

Now that you know this, what can you do?

Introduction: DeMaterialiZe

I talk too much, I have too much stuff, I love the Environment

  • It's time to remove the excess: Hence DeMaterialiZe
  • Sometimes adding new elements to your life scope is good so I'd like to share those too.
  • I've been living on the internet since 1996.
  • This is not my first blog but I'd like it to be my first real blog
  • This is my first attempt at organizing my brain

My Goals

  • Get rid of my material possessions bit by bit
  • Pass on wisdom and advice I find on the Internet: Product recommendations/dislikes, sites you should know about and whatever else I happen upon in my travels
  • Be opinionated in anonymous form
  • Help you with simple advice, to respect and revere the environment