RePlace: Household Cleaners
I'm sure many environmentalists are also dematerializers and have thus replaced their traditional household killers (cleaners) with environmentally friendly concoctions
Please, if you have cleaners at home, take a minute and think about this:

- Anything you use and pour down the sink, eventually goes into the water supply: You are therefore drinking Pinesol and Mr. Clean....Mmmm
- Cleaner manufacturers use marketing (commercials) and strong odors to convince you that something isn't clean unless it has that "chemically clean smell of pine, orange or lemons" in reality this is a mind trick, environmentally friendly alternatives clean just as well but trade off for the "clean smell" you expect, please don't be fooled!
- Just because something has lemons or oranges in it, real or not doesn't make it environmentally friendly
- Cleaners are harmful to your pets and children they have to breathe the stench and sometimes pets will get the chemicals in their mouth? Please be mindful.
- It's significantly cheaper to use environmentally friendly alternatives to cleaners and you can do it yourself with simple recipes and more simple recipes
- The reasons for not using chemical cleaners are truly infinite and the reasons for using environmentally friendly cleaners are finite: They're for the health and safety of your family members, cheaper and nicer to mother earth.
Environmentally Friendly Alternatives: 1
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