Sunday, May 01, 2005

ReView: Gentle Fawn, Ok47, American Apparel

It's hard to find nice clothes: Honestly, with the inundation of Gaps, Old Navy's American Eagle, Abercrombie, Express, Walmart and other heinous mall stores, there is a good chance that someone else will have what you have.

On top of that, most of the clothes are made by little children or young women for pennies a day. This doesn't bother me that much because payment should be in context of the economy however the extreme 2000% markup is what annoys me most.

Enter 3 Brands that make nice clothing with none of the overt unproportional markup, 2 from Canada and 1 from the US

American Apparel: Based in Downtown LA, make simple plain clothing for girls and guys in all nice colors for a very reasonable price. On top of that, everyone in the factory is paid a fair wage AND they are in the process of creating an organic line.

Gentle Fawn: Currently my favorite brand, no description would do justice but you won't see every tacky Louis vuitton toting Chinese slipper wannabe fashionista wearing this stuff:

Ok47: Toronto-Based offshot of beloved Geek Boutique, they truly turn graphic design into an art and watch their sale page for cheap-a-licious bargains. Sometimes if you get lucky they have sample sales as well.

Ciao for now


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